Donald Smith

This is another global initiative closed linked to The Earth Stories Collection. This initiative was proposed by Dr Donald Smith, founder and first director of the National Theatre of Scotland and director of the Scottish International Storytelling Festival. This is one of the most important festivals of storytellers in the world.

After learning about this research, Donald Smith proposed the creation of a global network of storytelling activists who, among other tasks, will spread the stories of The Earth Stories Collection in their area of influence.

Earth Story Tellers

After a first meeting of storytellers from more than 30 countries, held in Edinburgh in October 2017, at the 2019 Global Storytelling Lab it was agreed to create a global network of storytelling activists who will be responsible for telling stories illustrative of the priciples and values of the Earth Charter around the world. This global network has been called THE EARTH STORY TELLERS.

However, the COVID-19 pandemic made it very difficult to launch it effectively until early 2021. Since then, the Earth Story Tellers network is holding online meetings in English and Spanish every two months and is preparing the creation of a blog to share experiences that inspire other people to use the stories in the Collection.

To be part of this network, that seeks to build a global civilization which is socially and economically fair, peaceful and deeply respectful of life and planet Earth, a Declaration was created. Adhering to and endorsing this Declaration allows any storyteller in the world to start being part of this network.

If you wish to register in The Earth Story Tellers, download the Declaration, fill in the information and send us the document in pdf to

Earth Story Tellers
If you have used Earth Stories in your field of activities, we want to hear about your experience.<br /> Join Earth Story Tellers and share your experience on our blog
Visit the Earth Story Tellers site