Tuesday, 22nd October 2019
Presentation of The Earth Stories Collection
Streaming the presentation of the Collection, between the minutes 8:50 and 48:50.
Open Forum after the workshops
Streaming of the Open Forum developed after the presentations, with the interventions (from left to right) of Dawne MacFarlane, Canadian storyteller; Chief Rose Anne Archibald, regional chief in Ontario of the Taykwa Tagamou Nation, of the Cree Nation; Alette Willis, storyteller and professor at the University of Edinburgh; Ana María Lines, Brazilian storyteller; and Grian Cutanda.
Friday, 25th October 2019
Open Forum after the workshops
Streaming of the Open Forum in which the creation of the global network of storytelling activists and the drafting of a Declaration for its implementation was agreed. In this Forum particpated the Italian storyteller Giovanna Conforto; Seoras MacPherson, seanachaidh (clan memory) of the MacPherson and MacLeod clans in the Scottish Highlands; Donald Smith and Grian Cutanda. The matter concerning to the global network of storytelling activists and the Declaration is between the minutes 13:53 and 25:36.