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Payahadu the Disabled

Payahadu the Disabled Dai People – China, Myanmar, Vietnam, Laos and Thailand   Yanhadu was a small, deformed, and without doubt not very good looking…

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Recovering the Sun

Recovering the Sun Han People – China (and half of the world)   In a time, almost beyond the reach of memory, there was a…

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Fire on the Mountain

Fire on the Mountain Ethiopia   During his adolescence Amadi had heard his father say many times: ‘Have no master or boss, always try to…

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Red River and Tengtiao River

Red River and Tengtiao River Hani People – China, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam   Grandfather Sun rose above the horizon to behold the proud…

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The King and the Fear

The King and the Fear Taoism – China   A king famed for his courage and equanimity lost almost his entire kingdom and every last…

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No Brains

No Brains Maghreb Sufism – Tunisia and Algeria   One day Ŷḥā saw a group of neighbours pass by, all dressed in colourful clothes, carrying…

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