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Xana Galinda

Xana Galinda Astur People – Spain   After the collapse of the Toledo’s Visigothic kingdom, with the arrival of Muslims in the Iberian Peninsula in…

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Why Mosquitoes Buzz

Why Mosquitoes Buzz Ghana / Jamaica   So, everybody knows that Ananse and Mosquito used to be friends. They also used to be farmers. And…

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Who Speaks for Wolf?

Who Speaks for Wolf? Oneida (Iroquois) – USA / Canada   Almost at the edge of the circle of light cast by Central Fire –Wolf…

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The Sufi and the Sultan

The Sufi and the Sultan Persian Sufism – Iran   A darwish, who had taken a vow of loneliness and had cut himself off from…

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The Story Bag

The Story Bag Korea   A long time ago, there was a boy who loved to listen to stories. His passion for stories had been…

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The Siblings Constellation

The Siblings Contellation Hlai People – Hainan Island, China   In ancient times, in the mountains of Hainan Island in the South China Sea, there…

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