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Saint Brigid and the Wolf

Saint Brigid and the Wolf Celtic Christianity – Ireland   Hundreds of years ago, a saint named Brigid built a small hut under a huge…

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Iya Yankton Sioux People – USA and Canada   From the tall grass came the voice of a crying babe. The hunstmen who were passing…

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How Kyldysin Became a God

How Kyldysin Became a God Udmurt People – Russia    Inmar, the Creator God, needed help to guide the peasants with their harvests. So he…

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Lot’s Dilemma

Lot’s Dilemma Palestine   Before dying, Abraham had taken three saplings from the tamarisks that he had planted near his well in Beersheba to his…

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It is Not Our Problem

It is Not Our Problem Myanmar, Thailand, Iran, Armenia   The king and his prime minister were looking at the city from a palace window.…

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